
The "Grupo Minar" manufactures its own packings that are done properly with the wood Pinus Elliotis fumigated respecting all the international laws, coming from reforested areas caring for  environment. 

We always work with caution so that our products are perfectly conditioned , without any damage to their quality and characteristics.

We manufacture  pattern packings and those made in accordance with the demands of each customer's specifications.

In each box there is a label with all the characteristics and details of the product.

We commercialize our products all over the world and we assist with all the specifications of special packings, for example, model of the pallet (Vertical or Horizontal) and personalized labels.

GRUPO MINAR - Brazilian Slate Manufacturer
Head Office: Rua Juca Cândido, 588 - Sala 02 - Bairro Jardim Cambuí - 35700-060 - Sete Lagoas - MG - Brasil
Factory: Rodovia BR 040 - KM 416 - São José da Lagoa - 35790-000 - Curvelo- MG - Brasil | Phone/Fax.: +55 31 3772 3737 / +55 31 3772 3738